Wednesday, December 28, 2011


My parents play a major role in who I have become.  I enjoy every second I have in their presence because I ascertain facts of life through their wisdom, I'll share some of it with you.  "YOU ARE THE KEY TO YOU".  My Daddy told me these words as he instructed me on how to move forward in life, his words remain in my heart to this day.  Understand that we are no longer talking about simply securing a job, no it's much bigger than that.  We are talking about permanently securing a future.  Where do you see yourself in the future?  Ok.  Where do you want to see yourself in the future?  My Mom's advice fits very nicely here, in her wisdom, she said, "KEEP THE FIRST THINGS ... FIRST".  Her priceless advice was to the point & exactly what I needed to hear.  What is the first priority to moving forward in life?  The ability to make sound decisions aka the mind.

To move forward from here we must possess an "A" mentality.  When we look at the alphabet the letter "A" begins the domino effect of letters that continuously flood the scene until the letter "Z" is reached.  In other words a person with an "A" mentality is the one who goes first.  This person is the leader who understands where they are headed & has taken the time to study the road map & strategically plan the course of action that will ultimately lead them to their desire.  Their boldness & dilligence to persevere not only blesses them but opens the door for everyone else to follow & live a life that is well pleasing. 

Come on now ... don't get scared, you are this leader!  Aren't you are the one that is seeking to obtain the knowledge that will help secure your future?  Aren't you the one who is past fed up with empty promises after you have done the required work?  Aren't you the only one that can change your life for the better?  YES!  As a leader you must first face the ugliness of your past so that you can embrace the pleasure filled beauty of your future.

Begin asking yourself some pivotal questions: 
  • What are my strengths? 
  • What are my weaknesses?  
  • How did I get here in this situation? 
    • No, your not here because you lost your income ... truth is you never prepared for the future. 
    • Honestly, if you prepared for the future, job or no job, you would not be struggling right now. 
  • What decisions got you here? 
  • What knowledge did you lack that caused you to make poor decisions?
These are just questions to get you started but please be honest when you answer them.  The truth may hurt but wipe your eyes, deal with it & move on.  The treasures revealed by these questions are endless & will unlock doors within you that have been bolted shut for years.  Again, YOU are the KEY to YOU! 

You want someone to appear as your Knight & Shining Armour & clean up your mess then give you a fresh start ... uhm wake up, it's not happening.  The horses have all retired & the Knights switched careers & became NBA Basketball Players for Charlotte, North Carolina.  LOL

We will sharpen our strengths by making them stronger & more broad.  We will strengthen our weaknesses & eradicate the doubts & insecurities that they have caused.  We must know who we are & where we are headed otherwise we will not survive.  Our honesty will save us more years of walking around in a wilderness circle & release us into a promised land life.

We must have a mind change.  How do you truly see yourself?  The way you see yourself is eventually who you become.  If you see yourself as a beggar you will notice that you have beggarly ways, our brains are created to operate in this fashion.  Open your eyes and began to SEE ... the real YOU!

Ok.  Go.  Get some paper & a pen so you can began unlocking the door that has concealed the real YOU for far too long.  It's time to take your life back ...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


What do you do when you are no longer employed; no longer receiving any type of residual income; daily faced with bills that have reached seemingly insurmountable levels that make you want to scream?  Your hands are tied as you tenaciously search for an end to this horrifying nightmare from Hades.  You reach out for help in every direction ... only to be told, "Click here, Go there, Fill this out, Dress like this, Purchase that ... OH sorry we are no longer hiring????  YOU JUST POSTED THE AD TEN MINUTES AGO!!!  

It amazes me how business after business base their mission statements solely off the foundation of helping others find work, however, all they offer are scams or rejection letters.  Why in the world should we have to pay you to hire us??? I REFUSE!  I REFUSE to fill out another application that is connected to an employer filled with empty promises.  I REFUSE to sell my personal information in hopes of gaining small dollar amounts, I'm better than that!  I REFUSE to curl up & die in a daily pursuit for a job that mirrors a vapor and is always outside of my reach.  I no longer have to accept this treatment and neither do you.

One thing that resides in all of us is something that cannot be taken away by anything outside of us.  Do you know what that is?  It is called Purpose.  Purpose is the very reason you and I are still on this side of Heaven, my friend, our God given purpose has not been fulfilled yet.

I realize the situation is bad right now, but I also know it will not remain this way.  For whatever reason we have not trusted in what has been invested in us from day one.  We took the easy road which brought us straight to the over populated highway called Unemployed.  We have gifts, abilities, talents and skills that have been developing over the years.  It's time for our gifts to began making room for us now.  We no longer have to sit back wishing that something will happen.  We no longer have to keep our fingers crossed in hopes that an employer will see our resume and hire us.  Today, we are setting our will to take our rightful place and strategically make life better for us and our loved ones.  A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children.

It is time to start walking down a new path in our journey of life.  I will not promise you that it will be easy, but I will guarantee that if you keep fighting and moving forward  ... this new road will lead you to the front door of your new Employer called destiny.

Are you ready to go?  I am.